Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Its Diwali and I don't even feel a remote realization of the fact owing to the drab surroundings and dead spirit of this place! Being away from home at such a time is painful to say the least. I miss all the little things I used to take for granted....the puja at home, yummy food and relatives sharing with you the joy Diwali brings with it. I'm suffering from a bad cold and feeling a bit feverish...its just adding to all the misery!!

I want to meet my parents, play with my dog, listen to my grandma's stories and chat with my brother! I want to go to my gym, shop in the streets of Bandra and hang out with my friends. Calling this place home is tougher than I imagined. I guess I am the sort of person who is used to having people around and this life here is difficult to adjust with. No one cares what you do, who you are or whats happening to you. Maybe if I scream in my room someone will come and see what happened...Yeah I say "maybe" since I'm not sure of this. They may just ignore it...who knows??

Then I tell myself...this is a choice I made and so I am responsible for its consequences.....I'm just hoping these are more positive as I go along....

1 comment:

magiceye said...

just a matter of transition ...
you will soon start converting all those liabilities into assets!!
cheer up!!