Saturday, February 1, 2014

And I'm back (again!)

Wow! It's been almost 4 years since I felt this sense of urgency to write again and thought "why not revive my blog?". I just read a few of my posts from 2010 and the first thing that came to mind is..."so refreshing". I say refreshing because it gave me a glimpse into my life at the time...I guess that is the wonderful thing about blogs, they help you take a short walk down memory lane.

Life has changed! I am no longer struggling to find my feet in a new country, marriage and work...I can say that the learning curve has been quite significant and I feel a sense of accomplishment. However, there is lots more to learn and do! With a new job and challenges, life continues to keep me occupied.

I do hope I motivate myself enough to post more often. Blogging has always been a wonderful medium to let my thoughts be heard through my favourite medium of communication...writing :) 

1 comment:

magiceye said...

Welcome back!! Great to see you blogging again!! Looking forward to a lot of insightfully perceptive posts!!